Feed on

“Snow” is written in first person, and has a story telling quality in the opening lines. We are in the narrator’s head, but she is also speaking to us in: “I wonder how long he watched me sleeping. I still wonder.” There is a quality of being outside of her head in this. The narrator refers to herself as girl, which I believe is meant to help the reader understand how she views herself. She mentions she is not yet married, so perhaps she does feel too young for her real age, which I don’t believe we get a solid age. I would assume twenties.

Mr. Cohen notices she is Vietnamese which illustrates a deeper level of noticing – he is paying attention to her. There is a beautiful connection through them both not celebrating Christmas and losing a parent, although the narrator seems to judge him for harping on the loss of a parent and I am not sure what that is supposed to do for the reader except create characterization. The whole story takes place inside of this restaurant, although their conversations expand far outside of this realm, and the story concludes with them moving on in their relationship outside of where it started, both literally and metaphorically.

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